When Science met God…

Segment Two

From the Apes…

Natural Selection

Science could almost taste the success… almost feel the insight… almost experience the absolute… almost feel the presence of the ‘Mother’… yet there was something missing… a small link… indeed a very small link… nevertheless a divine link! That gap made Science pause. Everything was hidden in that gap. God smiled at the concentration on Science’s face. Would He lead Science just yet or was there time left to wait? “What’s up my child? Need any help?” asked the Lord. But Science just kept looking at the Lord, his concentration now wholly diverted on the Father. Neither microscopic atomic vision...

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Nature or Nurture

Science was getting ready for his dialogue with the Lord. He had some real paradoxes that he needed to address right away. Science decided that he should perhaps prepare some notes on his questions before it was time for the next meeting. “Ok! Let me see… The Lord had said that evolution was not merely in physical and chemical ways but also in consciousness – the way new species perceive existence. In His words ‘consciousness is not something that happens inside man but something he can achieve – it is more like dancing than it is a digestive process!’ –...

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Sum of the parts…

Science would be the one to normally seek the Lord. But this time it was different. God invited Science gently into His presence. He gathered Science into His arms and whispered into his ears… God: Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornamudachyathe | Poornasya Poornamaadaya Poornamevaavashishyathe Science could feel the Lord’s presence, yet he never understood a word that He whispered. How could that be? How come there was something he – Science couldn’t understand? Smiling at Science’s perplexed look, the Lord replied… God: That is in Sanskrit. ‘Ah’ sighed Science. That was why he didn’t understand. Gently laughing at his expression of relief,...

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The blank screen suddenly came alive. The words appeared ‘Wat u doin?’ Science blinked once. He knew this could happen only under one command. Smiling he typed ‘Waitn 4 u to chat...’ The text box displayed the message ‘God is typing a message...’ This was going to be fun! God: You don’t seem too surprised to see me online. Science: Duh... Surprised no... Thrilled yes 🙂 God: Thrilled? Y so? wats diff now? Science: Well for one it shows u approve! God: n y wld u think I wldn’t approve technology? Science: Not really ‘not approve’... u can be anywhere...

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Entraining @ 11:11

I was floating... ready to respond to the call. But it wasn’t time yet. I kept telling myself ‘Simply go with the flow. When its time you will know...’ I did my part. I sent out the right signals. Now I just had to wait... I waited patiently... simply swimming with the flow... floating and waiting... Time rolled on... And just like that the call came - NOW! I could sense there where enough of us to make the difference. We were ready. The lights came on!! The squid was saved ! If you didn’t already know - I am...

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The indigo children

‘She has an indigo aura” whispered the psychic. ‘She is truly God’s child!’ so saying the psychic handed over the sleeping infant to the waiting hands of her mother. The mother’s face was beaming - who doesn’t like knowing their child is truly the prodigy of God? On the other hand, the father had a worried frown. He merely nodded to the psychic and left the room. Hours later, the mother looked up from the crib only to find her husband’s deeply saddened face looking at their child. She knew why. She also knew why it shouldn’t be so. She...

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Written by Gita Krishna Raj  |  Published in infinithoughts as a series between 2008 & 2015