When Science met God…
Segment One
A relative world
Science was excited! He was meeting his Father for a dialogue. There were so many things he wanted to say, ask, report… Simply bask in His presence and let the words flow… Science: You know something very funny God! These men are so convincing, I almost got the feeling I am Thee! Well it is time to tell them that I answer only their question ‘How?’ I have no clue to the ‘Why?’ That seems to be your expertise God! May I ask you a few questions on the Why? God: Of course my child! But before you begin let me first express how overjoyed I am at the way you have been growing amidst mankind! I am so proud...
Science looked around. Why wasn’t the Lord yet here? His father never kept him waiting. Perplexed he searched and felt the divine presence behind him. Science turned to find God sitting relaxed on his chair. Science walked up to him and said ‘O Father! I didn’t know you were here!’ ‘What is your question my child?’ asked the Lord. But the voice came from behind Science! Perplexed Science turned to find the Lord once again seated ‘behind’ him. Checking all around Science was sure there weren’t two of them. Yet how had the Lord changed from the front side to behind? God gently smiled and held out his hand for Science. He made him sit by his side and once...
The music was loud and the dancing energetic. The party was in full swing when God arrived. Science, his child, was never late for a meeting. After all, discipline was one of his prime qualities. God smiled for He knew that for this meeting He had to take the initiative to seek his child out. Like an over excited child taking the liberty with its parent, Science had asked to meet the Lord, yet had kept Him waiting. God saw the heady dance and rejoiced in Science dancing in time. Slowly and surely He made Science feel He was ready and waiting to begin His dialogue. But Science was not conscious of the Father’s presence. To Science it was a...
Science was tired. He had walked around in circles but had not arrived at that one insight. He knew about quantum fields and about the big bang. He was on the verge of unifying the various partial theories and propose the existence of a unified field… but here he was lost in time in an un-treaded space on the loftiest mountain on earth – the Himalayas. Since his last meeting with God, he had pondered on how to reach out to the ‘mother’ of creation. His research children had uncovered beautiful truths during the last six decades in the realm of physical existence. But the mind had eluded his children for quiet a while now. Studies in consciousness and sleep...
“I am confused Father” Science gently whispered. Having spent quite a bit of time trying to come into the presence of the ‘Mother’, he had failed. It just didn't make any sense. With a perplexed frown he had finally sought out the Lord for clarification. Science: I am confused Father. God: (With a knowing smile) Let me hear it. Science: Everything that you have revealed through me has always been replicable. There has never been any occasion when something holds good for one person and not for the rest. Even when we find a variety of solutions to any given theory, there are always variables that have contributed to those different solutions. In other words when the question is constant...
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts as a series between 2008 & 2015