My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! Your body never lies! Even before you utter a lie to the outside world, every one of your 70 billion cells have heard it and rejected it as false!! Muscle testing is a scientific method that proves how the muscles lose strength every time you represent something untrue or...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! Everything about life is a rhythm. Time is a rhythm, heart beat a rhythm. Inhalation and exhalation are a rhythm. Walking is a rhythm. Running is a rhythm. Every movement is a rhythm. But very often we are not even aware of that rhythm. All living things have a...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! ‘Chew your water, drink your food' is an old zen saying that emphasises the need for everybody to keep sipping water right through the day. Understanding our body's need for water, some make it a mechanical exercise every morning to drink two litres of water hoping to complete the...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! They say there are 411 Kcal in a piece of apple pie. But does the whole pie convert into energy for use by your body? What is a calorie? A calorie is a unit of energy. Like you use inches and meters to determine the length, we use Kilo...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! Imagine you are stranded on an unknown island with a mere 1000 rupees in your pocket to help you survive till your pick up arrives say, three days from now. In that situation will you spend the entire 1000 rupees to pick up gifts and memorabilia, for your, family...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! One animal story highlighting the link between movement and brains arises from the sea squirt. The sea squirt swims about with a primitive brain, but once anchored safely on a rock, it has no need for a brain, which consumes valuable energy. So it digests its own brain. “It...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! Have you ever wondered why we bother breathing? Well, because breathing is the most essential physiological function we have when it comes to sustaining life. No breath - no life! Which mandates that we do it right - every time! Our emotional state is reflected in our breathing apparatus....
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! There is a huge difference between Knowledge and Understanding. Knowledge refers to gathering information through education and experience. Understanding however, refers to knowing the cause or the intended meaning of something. Knowledge precedes understanding. But not every bit of knowledge translates into understanding. For example, students of class 3...
My Dear Readers, Greetings from Maverick! Have you ever wondered what is your greatest resource? Please take a few moments to dwell on your answer before you proceed… Some of you may have thought of your wealth or educational qualifications. Some others might have named a person mentally - your parents or mentors. Maybe, to...