
Posted by | November 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #14

Most of us fall under one of two distinct categories. There are those of us who believe that if we workout every day for 1 hour, we need do nothing...

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Posted by | August 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #13

There are different types of exercises - those that use varying muscle movements at varying speeds to work on a muscle group and those where your muscles don’t move but...

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Posted by | July 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #12

Looking good is certainly one of the most dominant motivators to join a gym or any structured form of exercise. I only wish, feeling great precedes that for you will...

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Posted by | June 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #11

Research shows that people who remain active right through the day have a far greater resistance to falling ill, than even those who gym merely twice a week and remain...

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Posted by | May 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #10

Motherhood is considered the pinnacle of existence as a woman. I certainly attest the feeling of absolute bliss that only our children are capable of making us feel. There is...

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Posted by | April 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #09

To an uninitiate who has never exercised in a structured way, any form of activity is a beginning. So it stands to reason that we motivate them by ensuring they...

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Posted by | March 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #08

What ever the age, looking good always boosts the morale of a woman! While everyday is a celebration of life as a woman, it does feel nice to dedicate March...

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Posted by | February 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #07

Every moment spent in the presence of your loved one is indeed special. But some more so than others! Valentine’s day is just a reminder of what your life partner...

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Posted by | January 28, 2013
Able Body, Stable Minds, Noble Soul #06

It is that time of the year - the beginning - when we make several resolutions, only to give up within a few short weeks! Shall we change that this...

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Posted by | December 28, 2012
Able Body, Stable Mind, Noble Soul #05

According to a survey conducted by the United Nations, the world population of people aged above 80 by the year 2050 will be 379 million. Of that India alone will...

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