Science was dejected. There seemed to be no point in everything he had ever understood. There was always something more to know, something more to explore. He was beginning to...
Science was dejected. There seemed to be no point in everything he had ever understood. There was always something more to know, something more to explore. He was beginning to...
We were filming at Angkor Wat for a documentary on the impact of Indian culture on South East Asian countries. The largest man made place of worship visible from outer...
The plate fell down with a loud clatter. The wife merely looked up with a controlled calmness - a look every married man probably experiences from time to time. The...
A sudden bright light blinded Science. Closing his eyes, he smiled. The Lord was about to arrive. That thought seemed to have a fragrance of delight prompting Science to gently...
Science was feeling let down! So much progress and yet no application... Gently placing His hand on Science's shoulder the Father asked: God: What is troubling you my dear? Science:...
Science was engrossed in his book. It was time to meet the Lord. Yet Science was tempted to continue and finish the book ‘Mister God this is Anna” by Fynn....
‘She has an indigo aura” whispered the psychic. ‘She is truly God’s child!’ so saying the psychic handed over the sleeping infant to the waiting hands of her mother. The...
I was floating... ready to respond to the call. But it wasn’t time yet. I kept telling myself ‘Simply go with the flow. When its time you will know...’ I...
The blank screen suddenly came alive. The words appeared ‘Wat u doin?’ Science blinked once. He knew this could happen only under one command. Smiling he typed ‘Waitn 4 u...
Science would be the one to normally seek the Lord. But this time it was different. God invited Science gently into His presence. He gathered Science into His arms and...