“The lower in energy will be drawn to the higher in energy.
The higher in energy will empower the lower in energy”
– Mahatria Ra…
‘Hi Ma! We learnt a new trick in school’ – the little girl was all excited. She pulled out her book and showed the picture of a simple Manometer – an open ‘U’Tube. She explained – ‘We poured water into the right side but it always became equal on both sides!’
The mother gently smiled ‘Hmmm… That is so cool my dear! So what did your teacher say? Why did they rise equally?’ The kid looked thoughtful for a second. With a perplexed frown she smiled ‘Something about water always being same level. I didn’t really understand…’ The mother smiled ‘No problem! We will do it together later!’
The mother wondered when she should have to explain atmospheric pressure to her 4 year old? Right now it was simpler to just leave it as a ‘magic’ trick that all liquids seek a common level !
Science smiled. Wasn’t everything indeed a ‘magic trick’ till understanding dawned? To the four year old, water when poured through one end and rising simultaneously at equal levels in the second leg of a U-tube was exciting. To the mother, who probably understood basics of atmospheric pressure and fluid levels, the fact that if a pressure is applied to the left side of the instrument the applied pressure depresses the fluid in the left leg and raises it in the right until the unit weight of the fluid exactly balances the pressure, was exciting. To someone a little more well read, curious or both, the thermodynamic principle that systems want to attain equilibrium will be exciting. To the third kind if you ask, why does the water level equalise in a series of tubes, they would reply excitedly – because water will want to minimise its potential energy.
God: Hmmm… What do you mean ‘minimise its potential energy’?
Science: Father! As you well know potential energy is stored energy. Now mankind understands this in three types – gravitational like a stone on an incline plane which has stored energy to roll down, Elastic like a rubber band or sling that is fully stretched waiting to be released, and chemical potential energy like food man eats that combines with oxygen and is stored to keep them warm and functioning. Now only when the water level is equal it has a minimum potential energy. Till it reaches that common level, it will flow. And unless an atmospheric pressure is built on one side of the tube to ‘push’ the water, it will maintain a common level.
God: Wonder why it does that?
Science: Oh Father how you like to chide me! You very well know that is the way it is with energy. It always re-distributes itself from higher to lower, be it water that flows, air pressure that builds or heat that transfers. The basic law of energy is we can neither create nor destroy it. It can only be stored or transferred.
God: And stored energy is potential energy while the energy of motion is kinetic energy?
Science: Yes Father
God: What else where you mumbling – something about people getting excited…
Science: I merely observed that any new piece of knowledge is exciting to humans at their level of understanding. So a kid is thrilled to see water level balance, a mother is happy to explain air pressure while a physicist is still curious with thermodynamics.
God: You seem to have left out the spiritualist from your list
Science: Well, I truly don’t yet understand that part of energy transference to make any observation yet.
God: Oh I am sure you will be excited when you grasp its significance. Tell me my dear, why do some people energise you while some others drain you by their mere presence?
Science: (With a knowing smile) transference of energy?
God: Yeah but how does it actually work?
Science: Hmmm… As explained by Thermodynamics I guess. Trying to find a state of equilibrium, energy will flow to equalise from the higher to the lower.
God: Ok. So what happens when the energy flows from the higher to the lower and equilibrium is attained? Now what?
Science: Perhaps as there is equal distribution of energy, there is no more energy transfer.
God: Well you said energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So if it is not being transferred is it being stored?
Science: (With a little perplexed frown) It would seem so…
God: Well, if the world were to end at that very moment, you would probably be right that in such a situation energy is merely being conserved. But my dear, there is no perfect equilibrium of energy ! The very word energy is always in motion!
Science: I understand the metaphysics of such an idea Father. But I still don’t comprehend its actual reality.
God: When two people meet, they exchange energies. If one has higher sources of energy, he will energise the lower. The lower in energy will rely on the higher in energy for his needs. When the levels are drastically varied, you can perceive such exchange of energy by understanding who ‘gives’ and who ‘takes’ in any relationship. But when the differences are subtle, there is a mere exchange that constantly happens, dancing every moment to balance the twain.
Science: So why do people feel drained if they really are higher in energy?
God: Energy transfers from the higher to the lower. But if the lower is always deplete of energy, they can never complete the cycle of energy flow. ‘Water seeks its own level’ also means that in a dysfunctional relationship, the degree to which one is emotionally abandoned will equalise to the other. People seek a common level of woundedness or health, common level of self-abandonment or self-care
Science: But aren’t relationships meant to help stabilise emotions where the one feeling wounded draws energy from the one feeling healthy; the one feeling self-care energising the one feeling self-abandonment?
God: In my vision, yes that is the purpose of all relationships. But in reality, one person’s constant energy depletion destabilises maladaptive relationships.
Science: That is very disturbing Father! No wonder the world seems to be filled with unenthusiastic, diseased, lazy, deprived souls! The many who try compensate for this with their energy, love, compassion, work and meditation don’t seem enough! Perhaps it is better for them to stay away from those who deplete them of energy…
God: (With a gentle smile) Did you not just say that the world operates by minimising potential energy? Doesn’t that translate to mean, if the ‘higher’ in energy is not ‘flowing’ or transferring to the ‘lower’, trying to ‘store’ that energy as potential energy will deplete even the higher of those reserves! The very purpose of energy is to flow my child!
Science: But what kind of solution can I even suggest to those who constantly feel depleted by other’s woundedness with life?
God: All relationships are energy transference and so if he wishes to be in any relationship, he will need to be centred, find his source of strength, conviction, passion – his source of limitless energy. Energy will keep transferring from the higher to the lower. To be the ‘higher’ always and not depend on the other to be energised, to feel complete, he has but one option – he has to be constantly energised by a higher source. That higher source is his GURU – always connected to a limitless source of energy…
With a gentle twinkle in His eyes, God winked – ‘He finds Me!’
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts in November 2013
When Science met God… | Segment Five: Why Me? | Chapter Two: Water seeks its own level