‘What are you intently reading my child?’ asked God. Science replied – “A young woman has expressed her conviction that the cancer found in her child was induced by magnetic fields from the power lines while the child was still in her womb. I was just wondering why it never occurred to her that her baby was subject to one hundred times stronger fields of her own heart action while he was in her womb.” God smiled “Care to explain?” With the air of one his best research scholars, Science began,
Science: Father! The heart generates the body’s most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. The heart’s field permeates every cell in the body and radiates up to eight feet outside the body. If the magnetic field from an external power-line can cause harm to a baby in the womb, how much more influence will the mother’s own electromagnetic field from her heart be on the foetus?
God smiled. “Hmmm… I want you to answer this questionnaire for me, my child. They are just simple statements that I want you to answer with a true or false. Just explain why you chose your answer. OK?” said the Lord, handing over some loose plain sheets to Science. Enamoured by this new approach, Science replied “Of course Father” and sat to work. As the Lord spoke, the empty sheets began to fill in with His words. Science in turn, let the flow carry him through…
God: There is no sin in action. The sin is always in the intention behind the action – True or False?
Science: Hmmm… Any action is a response from the brain. But the intention is the response from the heart; it comes from the feelings behind that act. Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component of the heart is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field. It can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers. So yes the statement is true. A person’s real intention has far more potency than the act he may have performed.
God: Good! Next question… Success is delivered only from the womb of enthusiasm – True or False?
Science: Well, we have discovered that the heart is far more than a simple pump. It is a highly complex system with its own ‘brain’. Research shows that the heart is a centre for receiving and processing information. The nervous system within the heart or “heart brain” as my scientists call it, enables the heart to learn, remember, and make decisions independent of the brain. Moreover, many experiments have demonstrated that the heart continuously sends signals to the brain which influence the function of higher brain centres that are involved in perception, cognition, and emotional processing. So yes, once again true. Only when you can get your heart involved with enthusiasm, the brain will follow effectively.
God: Hmmm… That sounds like a lot of research. Kudos to your children! Well, how about this statement – In the sway of emotions abstain from decision making – True or False?
Science: Father! We know that the quality of the heart’s field is affected by emotions. Basic research at the Institute of Heart Math (IHM) shows that the rhythmic beating patterns of the heart change significantly as man experiences different emotions. Negative emotions, like anger or frustration, are associated with an erratic, disordered, incoherent pattern in the heart’s rhythms. In contrast, positive emotions, like love or appreciation, are associated with a smooth, ordered, coherent pattern in the heart’s rhythmic activity. In turn, these changes in the heart’s beating patterns create corresponding changes in the structure of the electromagnetic field radiated by the heart. This can easily affect brainwaves and create harmony or dissonance within an individual as the heart entrains the brain waves. Specifically, we have found that during the experience of negative emotions heart rhythms indicate less synchronisation in the reciprocal action that develop between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. In contrast, sustained positive emotions reflect greater synchronisation between the two branches of the autonomic nervous system, and a shift in autonomic balance toward increased parasympathetic activity. Therefore, yes this statement is also true. It is better to abstain from decision making when your emotions are running high as the electromagnetic field of the heart will interfere with brain’s cognitive processes.
God: You are indeed faring very well so far. The next statement is in Pali. It goes like this ‘Sangam Saranam Gatchami’ which translates as ‘Be in the company of right minded people’ – do you agree?
Science: (After a deep pause, thinking) Studies have shown that the quality of the field generated by a person’s heart can also affect the brainwaves of others nearby. Researchers carried out experiments to look at the possibility that people may be exchanging electromagnetic energy that is carrying emotional information like how radio transmitters and receivers carry music. When researchers at the Institute of Heart Math monitored the heart waves and brain waves of subjects, they found that changes in heart rhythms due to changed emotional states were reflected in the brainwaves of other individuals nearby. Even if an individual was not consciously aware of a neighbour’s emotional state, the state nevertheless registered in that individual’s brainwaves. It appears that emotions of one individual can affect the brain waves of another nearby. Attempts to hide negative feelings from others may be futile. The emotions are perceived, at least subliminally, and probably extreme emotions or emotional shifts are perceived consciously. So, it is a proven fact by my scientists that your companion’s mood can affect your own. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if someone is in a negative frame of mind it is better they stay away from a public place lest they entrain the others also into that foul mood.
God: If you have found that the mood swings of the person in close proximity can affect others, then you should also be able to answer the next question. ‘Every human life not only has the power to lift itself, but also has the power to lift the collective consciousness of humanity’ – comment?
Science: Research shows that the socio-emotional interaction between a mother and her infant is essential to brain development, the emergence of consciousness, and the formation of a healthy self-concept. In the same way that the heart generates energy in the body, the collective consciousness is the activator and regulator of the energy in social systems. Studies show that the group’s collective consciousness appears to be transmitted to all members by an energetic field of socio-emotional connection. A network of positively charged emotions connects all members of the group which in turn creates unity in the heart field of individuals and the collective social field. Now the movement of energy can intentionally be regulated to form a coherent, harmonious order. This, in turn, will produce stable, effective system function, which enhances health, psycho-social well-being, and intentional action in the individual or social group. So yes! If the electromagnetic waves of one individual’s heart are strong enough it can penetrate to transform or contribute to the collective consciousness of a group.
God: You have indeed been very elaborate and comprehensive. Let me give you my final question. Touch is the language of love – true or false.
Science: Father! There is experimental evidence that exchange of electromagnetic energy produced by the human heart occurs when two people touch or are in proximity. Signal averaging technique was applied to detect signals that matched – one subject’s ECG (heart’s wave pattern) was reflected in the other subject’s EEG (brain wave pattern) as they held hands or were in close proximity. There was measurable signal transfer between two subjects at least in one direction – that is the heart wave of one person whom they called the source was reflected in the brain wave pattern of the other person whom they called the receiver. We don’t yet know why that person was the source and the other the receiver. But it could be because the electromagnetic field from the heart of the source person was stronger than the electromagnetic field of the receiver. This means, if one person’s ill feelings are stronger than the feel good factor of the other, he has a bright chance of interfering into the thought waves of the ‘feel good’ person and make him feel drained out! And vice versa – the positive energy of the source will affect the receiver! Also, a transfer was sometimes detectable in both directions.
God: Well, my question is does the exchange happen only when they touch or even otherwise?
Science: There is an energy exchange that occurs up to five feet away from the body even without touching, but when people do touch—even a simple handshake—there is a surprisingly large exchange of subtle electromagnetic information being transferred. Touch most certainly appears to be the conduit for exchange of energy. So yes, once again my Lord, the statement is true. Touch is the language of love.
God: You have indeed fared very well my child. So how do you classify all this information? What would be the field one needs to specialise in to learn about this?
Science: Father these are the results man has found during his research on the electromagnetic field of the heart. There is also a new branch of science man calls Neuro-cardiology.
God: (With a broad smile) Well, I call it the Voice of Love!
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts in October 2010
When Science met God… | Segment Four: The dance of a trillion cells
Chapter Six: The Voice of Love