Science was engrossed in his book. It was time to meet the Lord. Yet Science was tempted to continue and finish the book ‘Mister God this is Anna” by Fynn. Reluctantly Science shut the book even as God arrived. Chiding Science, the Lord asked – “What is so special about the book you read my child?” Still enthralled by the words in the book, science replied with a smile – “Lord! This is so poetic! I never realised that I could be written about in such a creative manner!” “Oh!” smiled the Lord. “But I thought the book was about me!! Where did you find reflections of yourself Science?” And thus began the dialogue.
Science: Lord! This kid Anna refers to several of my theories and concepts. But she gives them a creative flavour that makes me look very poetic. For example see what the book says here. “We had talked about transmitted light and reflected light: that light took on the colour of the glass through which it was transmitted, that the colour of the yellow flower was due to reflected light. We had seen the colours of the spectrum with the aid of a prism, we had looked at Newton’s coloured spinning disc and had mixed all the colours of the spectrum back to white again. I had explained that the yellow flower absorbed all the colours of the spectrum with the exception of yellow, which was reflected back to the viewer. Anna had digested the bit of information for a while and then had come back with: ‘Oh! Yellow is the bit it don’t want!’ and after a little pause, ‘So its real colour is all the bits it do want.’ – Wow! Lord! She was quick to grasp that bit, wasn’t she?
God: Well Science! As you are the one reading the book right now, you will have to explain yourself if you need answers.
Science: Okay Lord! It is like this. When man sees an object, he is actually seeing light – light that somehow left the object and reached his eyes. When light hits an object four different things can happen –
- It can be reflected
- It can be absorbed
- It can be refracted
- It can pass through the object with no effect.
God: All that is very well. But what did my child Anna say that has excited you so much?
Science: Lord! The kid says that a yellow flower is ‘yellow’ because that is the part it has not yet absorbed. Therefore actually it is ‘anything but yellow’ because it has indeed accepted or absorbed the rest!
God: Hmmm… Impressive! Please continue…
Science: She says you ‘Mister God’ want everything. So you don’t ‘reflect’ anything back. That’s why you are not visible.
God: (With a smile) Am I an object to man?
Science: Sorry Lord! They don’t understand.
God: Indeed I am ‘empty’ and ‘not visible’ if man thinks of me as an object. I accept everything and do not reflect anything. But isn’t it time you also helped common man see me as the white light within which all colours exist.
Science: I am dazed Lord! Sorry if I sound confused but I wonder if you will please explain how to go about it?
God: When the light hits an object it is reflected or absorbed. But what do your children know about light itself? Does he have any idea of how he sees colours?
Science: Lord! Man has realised that the visible light is only the light that can be perceived by the human eye. When man looks at the visible light of the sun, it appears to be colourless, which he calls white. And although he can see this light, white is not considered to be part of the visible spectrum. This is because white light is not the light of a single colour, or frequency. Instead, it is made up of many colour frequencies. When sunlight passes through a glass of water to land on a wall, he sees a rainbow on the wall. So he has concluded that this would not happen unless white light were a mixture of all of the colours of the visible spectrum. My brilliant son, Isaac Newton was the first person to demonstrate this. Newton passed sunlight through a glass prism to separate the colours into a rainbow spectrum. He then passed sunlight through a second glass prism and combined the two rainbows. The combination produced white light. This proved conclusively to man that white light is a mixture of colours, or a mixture of light of different frequencies. The combination of every colour in the visible spectrum produces a light that is colourless, or white.
God: So what is the range of visible light man sees? What to him are the colours?
Science: Lord! Man has learnt from splitting white light through a prism that the visual spectrum is made of seven colours R O Y G B I V – Red (lowest frequency), Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet (highest frequency). He remembers it as VIBGYOR. When all these colours are mixed together it is white light.
God: My Child! Anna was right when she said the yellow flower is everything but yellow for that was the colour the flower refused to accept. Each individual ego is nothing but the reflection of all that the individual has refused to accept. So like the million hues there are a zillion egos that reflect the various colours of individual preference. As an ‘object’ one can either ‘accept’ everything and remain ‘black’ without any independent reflection and individuality. Or one can reflect everything not absorbing anything and thereby remain ‘white’ like a paper that makes all other colours visible on its surface – a colourless empty canvas of life’s light. But remind man that this rule is only for the object. The light is pure white and is all inclusive. That is, the ego is like an object that reflects, absorbs, refracts or allows the light of life to pass through it. The pure white light on the other hand is always all inclusive.
Science: Is that why no man sees you Lord, because he is looking for you as an object? And as an object you absorb everything and hence so dark?
God: If they wish to see my entirety in an object they would most certainly fail for nothing is rejected by me – I absorb everything. No wonder when they reject something as ‘not in concurrence with their religion’, in actual fact they are creating a colour that because of their unacceptability is actually what is reflected. The yellow flower is indeed everything but yellow! If only they can rise above the objects to perceive my light, all the million hues are but a manifestation of me! I am both colourless and colourful!
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts in November 2008
When Science met God… | Segment Three: The making of me… | Chapter One: I am all that I don’t want