My Dear Readers,
Greetings from Maverick!
Have you ever wondered what is your greatest resource? Please take a few moments to dwell on your answer before you proceed…
Some of you may have thought of your wealth or educational qualifications. Some others might have named a person mentally – your parents or mentors. Maybe, to some it was a quality they so rely on – in themselves or in others. I’m sure each one of you have a unique mental answer to that question – one that you honestly believe in – for now, and one that you probably have justified to yourself, perhaps not willing or wanting a change.
But what if I said that for this one question there is only one universal answer for every human being! Don’t get me wrong – I am all for unique individual experiences that create us, define us and give us a unique perspective. But for all that individualisation that I truly honour and celebrate, I still believe there is only one universal answer to the question what is your greatest resource. And the answer is – our body!
I could write a few books on why I chose my answer, and why I believe it is universal. But I think the next statement sums it up.
Your body is your greatest resource for without it you don’t exist.
Everything else follows suit – your physical fitness, your mental health, your emotional wellbeing, your intellectual understanding and your spiritual pursuits. All these begin with the unequivocal realisation that our body is our greatest resource and we cannot exist without it.
With enormous reverence to each one of the 75 million cells that make my body, I invite you to embark on this journey with me through this column – Living 360o – an approach to holistic wellbeing.
Yours in wellbeing
Gita Krishna Raj