The Disclaimer

Science looked into God’s eyes and said “I know you have tried to explain how freewill works. And I do think men are beginning to understand. But I still have one question Lord. Why have freewill at all? I mean, what does it accomplish? You yourself said that all outcomes already exist in you. There is nothing that man or any other creation can actually create from the outside. Everything is a part of you. Then what really is the purpose of a freewill? Looks like a lot of unnecessary drama to me. Especially in the context of man not knowing the future or the outcome of his choices. Let me be bold to ask you this Father. Have you created this drama called life merely as an entertainment for you? Like how men create movies…” Having said the words out aloud, Science wondered ‘Have I overstepped? Is the Lord going to be angry?’ But then Science realized that the very fact he had thought of it, God would already know!! Now, Science just patiently waited for the Lord to react. As always, the Lord started a very different conversation. As if He hadn’t heard Science’s question, the Lord asked –

God: My dear, why is there a board in every car park all over Earth declaring ‘Parking at owner’s risk’?

Science: (Bemused that the Father could suddenly change the topic to one so mundane) …because the management is not responsible for the security of the car parked outside their premises.

God: Hmm… This seems to happen all over, all the time. I wonder why…

Science: What seems to happen?

God: See that website. In small print it says “The content of this website is for entertainment and information purposes only. We make no claim about the authenticity…” Well! If the information is not authentic why publish it?

Science: It is not that simple Father. These statements are called ‘Disclaimers’. They are presented in all context by the service provider to the recipient just to make them aware of the terms and conditions of the service provided. For example some services mention “We have tried to maintain high standards in quality, clarity and accuracy. We are not legally responsible for the same…” I know that sounds contradictory, but that is the way it works down there.

God: I don’t even understand some of them. Listen to this: “To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will we be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, based on claims (including but not limited to) claims for damages for loss of profits or loss of business opportunities, delay or inability, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion or corruption of files, errors, defects, delays in preparation or transmission…” Whew! What actually are all these disclaimers pronouncing?

Science: Father! A disclaimer is usually a statement limiting the scope of rights and obligations.

God: You mean denying responsibility.

Science: No Father not denying. Perhaps limiting responsibility.

God: How can man assume any responsibility and then say it is limited? If he does that wouldn’t it be an escape route against perfection? Why will any one give his best if the outcome is already covered in a ‘disclaimer’ clause?

Science: I understand that there is a possibility of misusing the disclaimer clause. But the purpose or need for it cannot be denied. For instance, every surgeon gets the patient to sign a disclaimer when he takes him in for surgery.

God: What? You mean the doctor is not willing to take the responsibility of the patient’s life when he is actually operating on him?

Science: It is not that simple father! Of course the hippocratic oath taken by every physician does specifically say “I will apply healthy measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.” But as the classic saying goes a doctor cannot put a broken egg back into the shell !

God: What do you mean?

Science: Father! Men are funny creatures. They know that smoking is injurious to health and yet manufacture and sell cigarettes. They know drugs cause lasting damage and still become addicted to them. In this context it becomes important for disclaimers to be present. A life long smoker who has practically smoked away his lungs cannot come for treatment and hope to walk away blaming the doctor for not healing him.

God: So you actually mean to say that these disclaimers are not really shirking responsibility but rather sharing responsibility. The service provider is asking the participant to share the responsibility and not just witness the service as an outsider.

Science: Exactly. A car owner is expected to lock his car and park it in the right place to avoid any kind of damage. He cannot simply leave it open or park it in harms way and expect the parking lot owner to bear the responsibility. Recently a health club had a member walk in with a spinal chord injury. On her own accord she started doing rowing exercises and then started blaming the organization that she had hurt her back!

God: Wonder what the organizers did?

Science: They launched a program to educate the exercisers urging them to start taking responsibility for their health and body! When it comes to an individual’s mental and physical health, no one can take a chance. Equally true no one from outside can take the responsibility. It remains the responsibility of each individual to take care of him / her self.

God: Now tell me what was your doubt about freewill…

Science: (Remembering how the conversation had started) I was asking why you have given man freewill. You yourself said that all outcomes already exist in you. There is nothing that man or any other creation can actually create from the outside. Everything is a part of you. Then what really is the purpose of freewill?

God: (Smiling) Freewill is my disclaimer clause to life!

Science: (Shocked) What?

God: I said – Freewill is my disclaimer clause to life!

So saying the Lord began to walk away. But Science chased after him…

Science: Father! Wait! Please explain!

God: My dear child. Did you not just say that disclaimers were introduced so that the service receiver becomes as responsible as the service provider? That by introducing a disclaimer the service provider was limiting his scope of rights and obligations? That is what freewill does. It limits my obligation to mankind! It urges him to assume responsibility.

Science: (Slowly smiling) You have a knack of getting the answer right out of my mouth!

God: That is exactly what freewill is! Getting the answer out of your mouth! My dear life’s experiences are not a drama for me. You asked “Have you created this drama called life merely as an entertainment for you? Like how men create movies…”

Science silently looked away sheepishly…

God: Life is not meant to diagnose an individual’s traits nor to correct or asses him. It is not a source of ‘entertainment’ for me. Because I am not outside the drama! Life’s experiences are not a prescription on how to live with the winner getting full marks! If such were true, I wouldn’t have given mankind freewill. Then you could have said life is merely clockwork. But I did give man choice! Freewill is my disclaimer to life to say ‘assume responsibility’.

Science: I see what you mean, Father! So often man lives like a ‘victim’. He keeps assuming that he has done ‘sacrifices’ for his family, for his society, for his God…

God: Exactly! Man likes to feel like a Martyr! But my dear Science, remind him, everything that unfolds in his life is the result of his ‘choice’. There are no sacrifices!! That is what your famous author Richard Bach was trying to say in his book Illusions.

Written by Gita Krishna Raj  |  Published in infinithoughts in June 2011

When Science met God… |  Segment Seven: Formula to Life  | Chapter Seven: The Disclaimer

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