The obese youth stepped into the physiotherapist’s cabin for a physical examination. Very often, in order to hide ones inadequacy, people speak more than really necessary. One look at his size was enough to assess his history of exercise. Yet the youth hid his laziness with an attitude of ‘couldn’t care less’. Rather too loudly he said “The heart is only good for so many beats. Why exercise and waste them!” – laughing at his own humourless joke.
Science hovered to witness the scene. Science had full confidence in the young physiotherapist Navaneeth. As if in response to Science’s presence, Navaneeth smiled at the youth and replied “the human nervous system has two major divisions – the voluntary and the autonomic systems. The voluntary system is concerned with movement and sensation. The autonomic system controls functions over which we have less conscious command. Touching your toes with your hands is a voluntary act – one you cannot perform right now. Shall we first work on that before worrying about the autonomic part?” The youth was now ready to listen.
God laughed at the scene and looked at Science. ‘Won’t you explain to me even as your child does to that youth what humanity calls the Autonomic nervous system?’ Excited with his knowledge Science began:
Science: Lord! The Autonomic nervous system is made of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls the ‘fight or flight’ response. The Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) mediates the ‘rest and digest’ state. While both are operating at all times, one remains a dominant force in most people. Physical wellness is all about balancing the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems.
God: Well! The fight or flight response was indeed very necessary for the cave man when he faced the lion. It was a question of survival. But today I see men activating their Sympathetic nervous system over every small issue – getting stressed by a simple traffic jam!
Science: Yes my Lord! In the early days, the SNS was activated for defence during real physical threats. At such times the body prepares to give the individual extra energy, oxygen, improved vision and better blood supply by slowing down non-essential activities to deal with the threat effectively. The SNS is catabolic which means it tears down the body. Energy is used to prepare for protection rather than nourishment. Once the threat has passed, the body recovers to homeostasis or the natural balanced status of the body by letting the PNS take over. The PNS is concerned with nourishing, healing and regeneration. It is anabolic or concerned with rebuilding the body. The SNS and PNS are antagonistic. Either one or the other is activated most of the time. The SNS however always takes precedence as it is concerned with ones survival.
God: Hmmm… Your understanding is right. However the SNS and PNS are not against each other. The balanced individual tends to rest often and easily and yet effortlessly performs at top speed when he must. When challenged by stress, the balanced person can respond with vigour and fortitude.
Science: Yes my Lord! It is in this effort that several health and fitness centres have come forward to help create the balanced individual. They educate their users on the correct method of exercise.
God: Well then! Let us see if your child at this centre can handle the situation.
God looked on at the youth and the physiotherapist. The youth, a little put off by the fact his joke was ill-met, turned to ask Navaneeth – “Yoga helps people to reduce their stress levels and control their erratic heart rate. But modern gym exercises seem to burn out the person. I mean… how such opposite views on wellness?” Seating the youth comfortably on his couch, Navaneeth replied “Yoga, using asanas or body postures and pranayama or breathing techniques, directly works on the Parasympathetic nervous system. It is an effective way for those who are aware and are capable of making a conscious effort to activate the PNS. Cardiovascular and strength training, on the other hand, work like the ‘antibiotic’. It activates the sympathetic nervous system with a view to prod or instigate Parasympathetic reactivation.”
God was impressed and Science so proud.
God: So glad to see that finally your theories are available to everybody. Do your children further explain on the stress versus well-being of exercise?
Science: Yes father. The study of Parasympathetic reactivation – that is how long the PNS takes to recover from exercise and return to baseline, show that moderate-intensity endurance training causes increased Parasympathetic activity while very intense or extreme exercise loads may lead to persistently elevated Sympathetic mode. With consistent exercise, the effort that was once put in to work on a particular muscle slowly becomes easier, almost effortless. This just means that the body is trained to activate the SNS and the PNS at will. Homeostasis is achieved very quickly from either state – exerting activity and complete rest.
God: But how would you then convince those lazy bones on the need for exercise? What if they believe the little exercise they do add to their stress and activates the SNS?
Science: Recognising that the imbalances in the Autonomic nervous system are the root cause of well-being, educated trainers follow Paul Chek’s model to ensure that work-outs are given based on the status of the autonomic system. They educate the clients on the difference between unhealthy and healthy parasympathetic dominance. Unhealthy Parasympathetic dominance is actually the end stage of Sympathetic dominance where individuals ‘give up’ hope of fighting back. It is not the ideal state of calm that humanity looks forward to. It is unhealthy because the need to survive by activating the SNS is an integral part of life. Now for such people, it becomes necessary to stimulate the SNS by proper exercise.
God: What about those who are too active – stressed out and on the verge of collapse?
Science: Sympathetic dominance is mainly lifestyle patterns – stress, worry, fear, anger or resentment. Now these people feel exhausted and become moody or depressed. Here, mindful exercises that increases ones awareness needs to be prescribed. Fun group activities, stretching and innovative methods of calming the false alarm to the SNS on survival have to be done. Proper well balanced exercise that stimulates the sense of well being, reducing stress and strain on the body and yet energising it to perform at optimum condition is a healthy Parasympathetic dominance. These people think and live differently – what humanity calls the spiritually aligned. We have shifted from the adage of ‘no pain, no gain’ to the philosophy of ‘train, but don’t drain’.
God: Wonderful! So man understands that the nervous system too needs to be balanced. Will you also convey the inner message from the workings of these two systems?
Science: What inner message Lord?
God: Like the yoga practitioner one can take the conscious path of meditation to ensure a balanced life in all aspects. Meditation helps to maintain the ‘homeostasis’ mentally. Or like your modern strength training methods he can learn from the various experiences that life tosses him, pushing him to reach the positive parasympathetic state of rejuvenation. Balance remains in the ability to act when one must and be calm at all other times. Also remind man – like the unhealthy parasympathetic dominance, inaction is not a symbol of life!
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts in August 2009
When Science met God… | Segment Four: The dance of a trillion cells
Chapter Four: Rest or Flee?