We were filming at Angkor Wat for a documentary on the impact of Indian culture on South East Asian countries. The largest man made place of worship visible from outer space according to NASA, Angkor Wat was originally built as a temple for the Hindu God Vishnu in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II. Situated in Siem Reap province of Cambodia, Angkor Wat later became a Buddhist monastery and place of worship for the Buddha. Surrounded by a moat of 2.2 miles on all sides, this temple is designed to represent the mythical Mount Meru. The enormous bas relief on all sides representing hindu themes from Ramayana and Mahabharata are exquisite and draw visitors from all over the world.
The temple itself is in three levels becoming increasingly more exclusive and difficult for all to climb leaving only the most ardent of devotees to embark on the climb to the final tower. With our enormous luggage of filming equipment, when we arrived at the top most level, we discovered that the sanctum was empty – a notice was displayed to the effect that the original idol of Vishnu along with a sarcophagus had been looted by thieves and the subsequent representation of the Buddha also taken away for restoration. The place now just held an oil lamp, lit to represent the elimination of darkness.
As the filming was in progress, a debate began among the crew – some wondering why the original form of Vishnu had not been re-instated as Angkor Wat was indeed conceived as a Hindu temple; and some others including me suggesting that much water had flown under that particular river, Buddha too was now a rightful owner of that very space! Is history limited to the origin, the very beginning or does it indeed represent every second that has transpired till now? Is it a profit and loss account of who did what, when and how much; or more a balance sheet of where we stand right now – a result of all that has transpired? Hey! Where does science fit in here?
Science: Father! Recent research suggests that contrary to the belief that greater than 98.5% of the DNA is similar between chimps and humans, Roy Britten from the National Academy of Science now suggests the figure to be only 95%.
God: (with a smile) So what! 5% of different DNA is actually 15,00,00,000 DNA base pairs! Even if one was different, it would still be a different species! So what if you began as a chimp, now you are a human being!
Science: Well discovering the advent of humans from central Africa, there has been much research and hypothesis on how the anatomically modern homo sapiens have evolved. Recent advances in genetics have proved that modern man arose in Africa about 2,00,000 years ago and from there spread first to India and Southeast Asia by coastal migration. From India there were later northeastern and northwestern migrations to Eurasia and the Far East.
God: Oh good! So finally have Indians resolved the ‘Aryan’ invasion hypothesis?
Science: Nothing is quite that simple among the humans, Lord! Many scientists believe modern humans originated from one region in Africa before spreading into Europe and Asia about 60,000 years ago. Others theorise there were several ‘movements’ out of Africa. As for the Aryan invasion, it suited the Britishers invading India to make the Indians believe that they and the British belonged to the same ‘Aryan’ stock for they would then welcome the civilising British instead of opposing them. It also helped the colonisers to appropriate the Indian achievements in science, philosophy and spirituality.
God: Wish it has stopped with just that! Remember? This idea of racial exclusiveness of the ‘Aryans’ among the Europeans, especially the British and Germans, prompted Adolf Hitler to advocate his concept of supremacy of the ‘Aryan’ race and inferiority of the non-Aryans. Over fifty million people died in World war II and six million jews were sent to gas chambers because of these racial stupidities!
Science: But now we have proof Father! A recent study on the DNA of the Ezhavas of Kerala, considered to be natives (Dravidians), shows them genetically more similar to Europeans (Aryans) than to East Asians!
God: (Disinterestedly) So what?
Science: (A little perturbed) But Father! This proves that all of humanity came from the same origin.
God: (sternly) I never had any doubt about that my dear! It is disheartening to know that you need to invest decades of research to find ‘proof’ about something that actually ought not to even make any difference. What difference does it make if you are a Aryan or Dravidian; a European or a Chinese; a Hindu or a Christian? Aren’t you all first human?Let me for arguments sake, for a moment subscribe to the theory of Aryans invading India 5000 years ago. Haven’t they too contributed to India as it stands today? What makes you think origin means the very beginning of everything? In the very beginning there was nothing! Would you like to go back there? This moment is not the result of some definite specific beginning but is the result of every moment you have lived till now. In that sense my dear, history is not about what happened in the past, but what has happened to create this present.
Science: I certainly understand Father. But there still are those who believe that the caste system in India has a scientific basis and is related to DNA as the caste is by birth.
God: Wow! The one strand of DNA linking them to the Europeans seem more relevant than the 95% linking them to the Ape!
Science: It happens all the time Father. Not just in terms of racial discrimination, but in close personal interactions. I understand what you mean. The girl has been married for more than a decade and still is referred to as ‘in your family’. They ardently declare we don’t subscribe to the caste system, and yet will subscribe to it in every action they perform.
God: It is time they understood the role of History.
Science: How do you mean Father?
God: When History is viewed through the spectacles of the finite – specific events and dates, from the ‘doing’ domain, it leads one to believe in Fate – the past has resulted in the present and cannot be altered. When the same history can be viewed with the spectacles of infinity – the play of paradoxical choices, from the ‘being’ domain of what his choices has made of him, it leads one to believe he is destined to become something – the future beckons you from the present.
Science: I don’t think I really understand the difference Father!
God: History is not the discussion of dates and events; actions performed or even reasons attributed to those actions. History is the study of what those actions made out of those human beings; how did they unfold; how have their understanding matured; where has it brought them today? You can blame it on the past and seek revenge for those past actions – the ‘Aryans’ invaded us several thousand years ago; the muslims don’t belong here for this is our home from several hundred years ago; the women were suppressed for too long now it is our turn; you can find a million reasons to act based on your understanding of the past – your history. Or you could try to understand how those actions have transpired for your own evolution; that the monkey is now a man; that one second in the past has as much credence in the making of you as a million years ago. This understanding leads you to your destiny – you can find a million reasons to act based on where you want to be in your future.
Science: Hmmm… That is what you mean by Fate or Destiny…
God: Yes! The word ‘Karma’ has two different usages. One it refers to your past – your fate. ‘It is my karma that I am suffering like this…’ That makes you weak. On the other hand Karma also refers to action – what you ought to do in the present in order to unfold the future destined for you. I would like to call that Destiny – that is the very purpose of your existence.
Written by Gita Krishna Raj | Published in infinithoughts in July 2013
When Science met God… | Segment Three: The making of me… | Chapter Five: Fate or Destiny?