The indigo children

‘She has an indigo aura” whispered the psychic. ‘She is truly God’s child!’ so saying the psychic handed over the sleeping infant to the waiting hands of her mother. The mother’s face was beaming – who doesn’t like knowing their child is truly the prodigy of God? On the other hand, the father had a worried frown. He merely nodded to the psychic and left the room.

Hours later, the mother looked up from the crib only to find her husband’s deeply saddened face looking at their child. She knew why. She also knew why it shouldn’t be so. She tenderly smiled at her angel sleeping in the crib, held her husband’s hand and led him away from the room…

Science was keenly watching. He silently led the man’s mind. But unknown to him, God’s loving touch was guiding the mother. Can peace ever be denied to one who hears God’s whispers?

Mother: She is perfect! Have faith in our Lord and remove that frown!

Father: My dear! (Gently putting his arms around his wife) She is our daughter and I will love her forever. But I don’t think you fully understood your friend’s comment. Do you even know what an indigo aura means?

The mother sat down and gently made her husband to lie down with his head on her lap. She started stroking his hair…

Mother: Hmmm… I do… It means our child has special, unusual abilities. Indigo children are said to be the next stage in human evolution and may possess paranormal abilities like telepathy; they may be more empathic and creative than their peers…

Father: That is just one side of the theory! Haven’t you seen, children with learning disabilities are viewed by parents as Indigo children. I think it is more a way of shirking the possibility of our child needing special care! I think it is a way of avoiding the truth of our child’s imperfection!

Unshed tears were gathering in both their eyes. Neither wanted to let them fall for both loved their daughter infinitely. Yet they were fighting their own inner battle to come out of this unscathed.

Mother: I know many Indigo children have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But I also know just because we don’t know why it happens to them, it does not become a disease! I would rather believe that it is a new stage of evolution, than think they are children with medical diagnosis. Why, recently dentists have found so many children being born without even the roots of wisdom teeth! This is really like seeing evolution in action. We just don’t understand it all. We must keep our faith!

Father: Sweetheart, believe me, it is tempting to follow that thinking. Who wouldn’t want their child to be so special that God chose them as his next piece in the ladder of evolution. But my dear, we have to be practical. (He got up suddenly with an aggression that made his wife sit up.) I think it is less about our daughter and the colour indigo and more about these so called psychics who style themselves as experts and make a lot of money in the process!

Mother: Honey! Stop! Don’t simply pass your judgement! If the first monkey refused to stand erect, how could man have evolved? I am sure the first monkey that decided to stand tall rather than on all fours, was treated by his lot as a rebel, probably as a weird diseased animal. Yet he probably paved the way for a whole new species we call homo sapiens! Autistic children, they say live in their own world and are disconnected from other people. They have difficulty communicating with others. But what if they actually are communicating in a very silent way and we just don’t understand their mental cues? What if we as adults are really not understanding this new way of communication? What if schizophrenia is not a disease of not knowing the difference between the real and the imaginary? What if we really are a butterfly dreaming to be a human on this planet? What if ADHD is not a dysfunction of inability to pay attention? What if actually it is focused attention on a very different dimension? Tell me my dear, just because I don’t understand the why, does it make it a punishment? What if God was not really ‘punishing’ these people with disease, but actually blessing them to be the forerunner in his evolutionary path?

Tears were now trickling down both their eyes. Science was moved to emotion. Lord! Help me to help them was his silent cry.

God: It is very difficult to understand the whole movie from a frozen frame!

Science turned to find the Lord gently smiling into his eyes.

Science: Lord! Feeling forsaken by you is the last emotion any man wants to feel! Is there no other way?

God: My dear child! How can I ever forsake anyone or any thing? Everything is just a part of me! Indeed there is no randomness in this universe! Everything, remember every single thing, has a purpose.

Science: Then how does one help these people to feel they are not being punished, that they are not being penalised for something wrong they did at sometime in their past!

God: Every spiritual seeker aligned to me knows that effect is nothing but the cause itself in another form. Only, they seem to be stuck on an forward direction of time!

Science: I don’t get you father…

God: There has to be a source for everything, right? Man believes everything that happens has a cause. He also believes the effect is nothing but the cause itself in another form. But in his understanding  the cause happens first and the effect is perceived later. This is because his perception has a chronology in time. So he always believes that something in the past is causing the effect of his present. This he calls as karma. But, you tell me dear, which actually happens first – the cause or the effect?

Science: If the effect is caused by the cause, actually it means it happens simultaneously though perhaps it is experienced at different times…

God: Exactly! As the act is being performed, which let us say is the cause, the effect of that action is already created. Only it has to manifest at some point in the future. But the cause, by its very existence has already caused the effect to also exist.

Science: I am with you so far…

God: Good! Now you also know that the effect is nothing but the cause itself in another form. Right?

Science: Yes!

God: Then why can’t the effect in the future actually be the cause and the cause you perceive in the present actually be the effect?

Science: You are saying instead of the present being an effect of an action from the individual’s past, it could also easily be the present is the effect of something that has to manifest in the future.

God: Exactly! When you think you are going through some difficult time and you keep asking yourself ‘Why me Lord? I have never done anything to deserve this’, your focus is on a past wondering what you might have done. It makes you feel like a sinner for you don’t really remember anything that deserves such a big punishment. On the other hand if you can ask ‘What are you preparing me for my Lord?’, you are actually experiencing a disturbance in the present but using it as an opportunity to learn where this experience is leading you. It makes you a part of my team rather than the forsaken one!

Science: I understand Father! By shifting the focus from a past that one has no control over, and probably no memory of, and instead focusing on a future that is under his direct control by means of taking the right action, we can make him more responsible for his present. Feeling like a sinner will make him weak. On the other hand feeling like he is on God’s team will make him adventurous and proactive!

God: Indeed my child! It will make all the difference to ask ‘What are you preparing me for my Lord’ because, you are then ready to learn from that experience. And trust me, that is exactly why man has experiences – to learn from them!

Science: But Father! You can find any number of ways to reason and argue ‘why’ these things happen. But how does one help the pain and trauma in the here and now?

God: My dear child! The trauma is not to the person experiencing a difficulty in communication. He doesn’t think he is sick. Others around him make him feel that he is different from the rest and so he begins to believe he is sick! You are doing such a wonderful job in alleviating the physical pain some of them do suffer. If only you can also teach them that they are different but by no means forsaken or sick, you can build a new world of compassionate people who will understand everything is just a part of me. If I am the cause, I am the effect too.

Written by Gita Krishna Raj  |  Published in infinithoughts in December 2011

When Science met God… |  Segment Two: From the Apes  |  Chapter Six: The indigo children

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